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This is so much better than my Twin Peaks game lol. Absolutely LOVED this demo. Everything that Twin Peaks is, and should be, is in there from the investigation to the coffee to the dialogue options and exploration I just loved this so much. I cannot wait to play more of it. 

Do you guys have a Discord server for updates and feedback?


Hello, Démo fini que dire ? incroyable ! ça transpire la fan attitude
des clins d’œil de partout (X-files... Invitation To Love,la pelle...)
j'espère que Lynch testera la démo ça serait ouf
j'ai noté le manque d'un mot dans le dialogue des deux infirmiers au début
sinon la tête de Laura j'ai eu un petit choc ^^
voilà j'espère qu'il y aura une suite !?

un grand bravo a la team !

Petite question y a-t-il plusieurs fin pour la demo ?

Hello! Merci beaucoup pour le message!

Non il y a bien qu'une fin, mais d'autres east eggs à découvir ;)

Can I make my own translation of the game for myself? 


absolutely love this. Just finished playing. It really hits the mark, the whole feel of it. The way you can interact with random objects to make the world alive. I'm obsessed! So perfect. I cant wait to see what you do with it!

 look black screen ? 

What is your computer settings? Can you send us all this information:

It also happens to me! I send you the info of my pc


I just finished playing this game on my big tv! Super awesome, immediately want more and want to replay it. I've watched twin peaks like 6 times in full, the return 4 times, and fire walk with me (blue rose cut) like a hundred times. Felt very in the theme of twin peaks and the elememts which wernt a direct adaptation of a scene felt natural. Idk how you would adapt twin peaks into a game souly from cooper's pov but I've never listened to cooper's tapes which seems to be his prospective of events alone, I have no idea. Am definitely interested in the future of this game, it was great! 


I've waited my whole life for this day. Please, all I wish is the full game. This is something I think every twin peaks fan misses: an official game.

Blue Rose Team, you guys are doing an amazing job!

I played the demo and posted on my YT channel. Spoilers alert!

Greeting from Brazil!

ugh this looks amazing!! literally my dream game. is there any chance you'll release a web / mac-compatable version?

I've just finished the demo on my Mac, using Paralells (trial version) + free Windows 11 (included with Paralells too). Give it a try.

You can play the demo using Wineskin and D3DMetal, follow these pages:


Hey! I really enjoyed playing this game and I thought it was wonderful and you made this Twin Peaks fan very happy. Here are some of my thoughts and suggestions:

1. I would consider adding an onscreen indicator for when Cooper can interact with items; especially for the coffee save spots and items he can add to his inventory. Sometimes while playing this, I wasn't sure what items are/were important at first.

2. I love the little easter eggs from the series, like the lights flashing in the morgue. It shows the love and care that was put into this game.

3. This is more a general thought, but I obviously know what happens in the television series, but for the dialogue tree for Cooper when he investigates Laura's body for example, there were branching choices, and as a player, I wasn't sure if this impacts any "ending" the game has ala Life is Strange, Until Dawn, etc. I hope this makes sense lol.

4. I overall like the addition of other NPC's that weren't in the show, but I find some additions, like Jack Nicholson to be too distracting/out of place for the game and the Twin Peaks universe.

Great demo! The recreations were perfect, and the way the Black Lodge stuff was handled was really good. Also, some of the visuals and cutscenes were truly amazing, congrats! I have a few suggestions, and a possible glitch I have encountered.


Suggestion #1: I would make the videos shorter. Not necessarily the intro or the credits sequence, those are okay, but the videos on the televisions around the hospital are way too long. I think it would be better if they were shorter, or just a couple seconds long, and maybe include the whole thing as a bonus, or split it into different parts around the final game.

Suggestion #2: Even if I did enjoy some of the cameos around the hospital, like the characters from Halloween, An American Werewolf in London or Chinatown, I believe since some of them are portrayed by very famous actors, it can be quite distracting and immersion-breaking. Stuff like the Life is Strange note fits well, but seeing Jack Nicholson or Matthew McConaughey is a little odd.

The (possible) glitch: I have played the demo twice. In the first playthrough, inside the Black Lodge, I went to the end of the corridor with the statue and examined it. After this, I turned to the right and when I tried going that direction the cutscene with the statue turning with a collar played. I finished the demo, and then played again to get the object hidden in the bathroom. In my second playthrough, I found the collar and used it on the statue, and then the cutscene played out. I believe the cutscene played when it shouldn't in my first playthrough.

But all these things are very minor, the demo was wonderful! Can't wait to see what you do next!


Thanks!Yes, there's a bug with the statue that we've never seen before. We're trying to fix it! 

Can I ask how you got the object in the bathroom?


Wow, I loved this. I was hoping the demo would get to the dream sequence, but knew that would be too far in. I'm glad I was wrong and you guys found a way.

I loved this.  Clearly made by and for Twin Peaks fans, totally in the spirit of the series, I have been waiting for something like this for a long time.  Thank you to the creators for making this.  I got chills when I entered a certain red-curtained area for the first time, it was great.  I am really looking forward to more.  I wonder if it could be released in episodic installments, or will it be one full length game.   Either way, this demo left me very excited about what's to come!


The Twin Peaks: Into the Night demo is such a wonderful treat. Beautifully made with a lot of love for the series. Thank you so much! Eagerly looking forward to more. If there's any way the rest of us can volunteer to help both of you for free, please let us know!

Been looking forward to this! Love the demo so far, even though there's some typos/awkwardly worded phrases here and there.  I can't wait to see more of this game! 

Hey guys! I heard about your project days ago in an argentinian podcast called Checkpoint and came to see it. I just played the demo and I have to say it's an incredible job, just beautiful. As a fan of the series and videogames, I thank you. Hope to see more of the game soon <3

Thank you so much for this game!! we love it on my stream and thanks for the devs for saying hi!! hope to see more soon <3

Hello, i just want to say thank you for making this! So far this demo is pretty nice and i cannot wait to see more in the future! The work that went into this is definitely noticeable. I was smiling all the way through while playing it.

Also, i would like to bring to your attention devs of one small grammar issue i found: In the note you find surrounded by candles, it seems the coding got messed up and instead of one section having BOB's name in red, it instead showed <tpcolor=important> on the note.  Here is the note in question

So yeah, thanks for all the hard work you guys are doing, and i wish yall the best of luck

Hi! Thank you, we did fixed this typo in the last release!


GUYS, i discovered this series this year, I was amazed by how good it was. i even play to deadly premonition because everyone said it was a game based on this series. but somehow I knew that was not enough for me. I wished for a game of twin peaks so fricking much. Thank you this demo was fantastic, when I read that you will save the game by drinking coffee I knew the love you put into this. I don't have words. GOD PLS FINISH THIS AMAZING GAME. Greetings from Venezuela waiting for this fantastic project. !


Loved this, thank you very much for putting this out. Pretty amazing how much can be conveyed with this art style. Makes me a bit sad though to realize that even in the PSX days it was possible to do so much more with the medium than what we typically get. Where are the Lynch's of video games at?

(1 edit)

First of all thanks on behalf of all the Twin Peaks fans, the scene recreation, atmosphere and throwback graphics are a perfect fit for the subject matter. I cant wait to see the puzzles that are implemented into the game. My only qualm is the traversal mechanics are a bit wonky, other than that its a really cool idea. Can't wait for the full game, thanks for your hard work in bringing this beloved show to life!

Pure nostalgia. Congrats! Spoiler ahead


(2 edits) (+1)

I have just finished a demo on my valve steam deck and it works perfectly. The only thing I didn't like was the animation of the opening curtains - as if it was from another style, not inherent in this one.

It's a very atmospheric and nostalgic game. I liked everything else, especially the work with sound. I am very glad to know that this game is dedicated to the memory of Julee Cruise and Angelo Badalamenti.

Watching the series again. Thank you!


Did you have to do anything special to get it to run on the Deck?

to play it on a steam deck you need:

1. Switch a console to a desktop mode

2. Download and unpack archive

3. Open Steam app and search for the non-steam games

4. Find a right exe file and add it to steam.

5. If it’s doesn’t run you need to change some settings of the game in steam. It’s very easy. Here is a nice tutorial

Thank you so very much!!

I'm trying to install it on my Deck, but it gives me an error 

Look for the manual in my answer below


An absolute masterpiece and everything I hoped a true Twin Peaks game would be. The attention to detail is immaculate and I absolutely cannot wait for the full game. Will be keeping the demo installed and playing it over and over again until then though. Thank you SO MUCH to the creators of this wonderful dream-come-true project.


“Hazte un regalo todos los días a ti mismo. No lo planees, no esperes por él, solo hazlo”

Just played the demo. SO COOL! I can tell you love Twin Peaks. It was fun walking around in this nostalgic world you've lovingly recreated. Keep up the good work. I can't wait to play the full game.



I couldn't play demo because of black screen during the cut.scenes and gameplay. Win 7, AMD E-450, Radeon HD 6320
Turned off the filter and lowered the screen resolution, but it didn't help :(((( Only dialogues are displayed.
It would be great if you could write future system requirements

Thanks for this information. We'll be investigating to problems associated with different computer component. Hope we can found a solution.

Couldn't have asked for a better first encounter with this style of game. This was fantastic, very well adapted from the source material to be engaging even for fanatics. I cannot wait for more, what a wonderful experience, thank you <3

omg that AWESOME

(1 edit)

Fantastic! Such great attention to detail. So many little references for Silent Hill, X-Files, Twin Peaks: The Return, etc. I also loved that you could pull out your gun on every single character lol. So cool and I can't wait to see what comes of this in the future (someone needs to tweet this game at David Lynch too until he sees it).


To the devs:

There were a handful of typos in English, if you'd like for me to proofread the game in the future feel free to reach out and I gladly will.

I accidentally unplugged my computer (oops) partway through so was a bit sad that saving wasn't implemented yet, but when I was trying to speedrun back through I noticed the scene where you meet Harry cannot be skipped but as I was mashing pause and A and B eventually it locked up my computer.. that might be coincidence because I had just restarted, but not sure. I checked the log in AppData/ and didn't notice any Unity errors, so it was either just entirely on my side or it got caught in a loop or something. 

The only other small bug I noticed was that when leaving Ronette's room I was mashing A to get through Harry's dialogue to get back to where I was and it opened the door to Ronnette's room again even though I wasn't facing it.

Edit: Oh yeah, the partially opened bathroom door is lacking collision too

(1 edit)

It was pretty damn awesome, looking forward to the finished game :)

Franchement bravo et merci.

Twin Peaks est sans aucun doute la meilleure œuvre que j'ai pu expérimenter dans ma vie sous plusieurs formes (Série, film, livres, musique et même VR). Et ce jeu s'inscrit parfaitement dans cette lignée.

J'ai adoré les petits détails et les références de l'univers de Twin Peaks (et d'autres !), la liberté que vous avez prit dans le déroulement de l'action par rapport au récit original.

 Et comment ne pas penser à Mizzurna Falls qui s'inspire de Twin Peaks, la boucle et bouclée !

Très hâte de continuer l'aventure !

Encore merci et bien joué

Offering my assistance in editing the manual, it needs some spelling and language cleanup...


The game had a few typos too, although actually in the manual when it said "Laura Palmers" in one case I thought that was intentional at first since those old game manuals would always have little typos like that especially with character names 😂

Hi! Yes did the manual at the very end haha, and rushed it a bit. We'll fix it for the next update!

I loved it! Especially some of the video easter eggs. I can't wait for a full version this is so good <3

You guys absolutely killed it! Looking forward to seeing the full thing.

(1 edit)

will there be rom for ps1?


I finished my first playthrough and my god, you guys hit the nail on the head in replicating the tone of the series. I would kill for a full release with the blessing of the IP holder. Loved the Silent Hill inspired interface and that the (future) Savepoints are coffetables.

One could feel your love for the source material. 

Thank you for making this 😍

Short "bug report":

- the firts door in the restroom next to the morgue has no collision

- in the ingame manual on page 3 at the table of contents is a spelling error. Its "how to play" but says "how to plat"

Hi! Thanks for your feedback, we fixed it in the last release!

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