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Damn good demo!
I had only started watching Twin Peaks this year and absolutely adore the characters and the story is so wild, I love it. I was so excited to see this project in all of its PSX glory and had such a great time with this demo.

Such incredible attention to detail and it is clear a lot of love has gone into this game. Everything worked perfectly and it left me wanting so much more, I can't wait for a full release.

Invitation to love


Utterly phenomenal. Excellent, restrained use of panning cameras and trucking shots. Absolutely captures the atmosphere of the show and old PS1 games. I wanted to play this when it came out, but life got in the way - just finished it now and had a whale of a time. =)


Damn good coffee, and HO


This is amazing. Playing the demo feels like the developers are hitting all the right spots and I cannot wait for the full release. 

Uma pena estar todo com direitos autorais!
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Could you throw in some 90's CGI cutscenes in there? That would be cool.

This is really good, wanted to keep playing. very morish!

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Oh my... This demo is so nice with Tp baseline of the Two first season and FWWM movie. But the question is what the point of  the Mulder and Scully x-files footage? You spoiled me i'm just at the end of the 5th season man ;) Thanks for this marvelous demo :D

What a pleasant surprise that the game is in development as I am a fan of the series. I can't wait for the full version!


If any Linux users have had their interest piqued by this damn fine masterpiece of a demo, I can confirm that it runs gold-tier on PlayonLinux.

This download is a 64 bit binary, just as Terry Davis himself would have wanted it. Install over WINE 64 6.17-staging for the win.

Install Microsoft Core Fonts - the debugger told me to do it.

In Wine Config > graphics, do not enable virtual desktop. Set as Win 10 globally.

Run. Enjoy your visit to the home of the majestic Douglas Fir. The coffee's here all week.

Top Tip - always exit game cleanly via options menu, or you'll have to nuke and rebuild.

This felt really well made. I love the attention to detail and the little nuggets here and there. I'm super stoked to see you continue on this project!

Some bugs I encountered:

-My dialogue box would continuously freeze, having me wait for about a minute or so before being able to press anything. 

-Unfortunately, I had a game-breaking bug that froze my controls. The game opened up the menu all by itself and got stuck there. The game manual was spinning and the game was not frozen, but I couldn't press anything. 

I hope this gave some insight, maybe people have had the same problem. 

Keep it up! 


Beyond amazing job. Twin Peaks is my favorite show of all time.  I really hope you guys keep working on this, Ill definitely grab any updated versions aswell.

What an incredible tribute!

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Wow, it was so nostalgic) Waiting for the full release!

Absolutely great adaptation of Twin Peaks. Can't wait for more!

Great game. I played through it on steam deck and it froze at Dr. Jacoby at first but after the new update it was flawless.

amazing work!

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This is certainly a strange adaptation to be seeing in 2023, but props to the devs for making their passion project. Can't wait til we get to see James' awful song in all it's PS1 glory. Anyways, here's a little video of my thoughts on it:

almost as if the tagline "An adaptation both wonderful and strange" would be appropriate. ;-)

Made a video


please write to me, I'm a fan of TP, I write music, ambient, noise, and much more!! I really want to write music for your masterpiece!!! here is my mail


If anyone looking for similar gameplay there is a psx game that was released in Japan 1998 called Mizzurna Falls there's an english translation patch available. 

i have this game for ps1. I love it!


Diane,  il est 13h04, je termine mes tranches de poulet, dehors il y a de l'orage. Je viens de croiser Rust Cohle et bien d'autres personnes qui me sont familières. D'après un message du Major Briggs étonnement daté du 24 aout 2048, le jeu est incroyable.  

(1 edit) (+1)

UTTERLY FANTASTIC. This gave the feel of playing the hottest new PSX game at the time of release. This sets the bar for what a PSX style game should look like IMO. Are those compressed photo textures? It looks amazing compared to so many other PSX style games.

Here's my playthrough: 

Can't wait for the full release!!!


Damn good game!! I can't wait for the final experience.



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Once I ran it, I forgot to be on 2023 playing on a PC: this game gives a full immersive experience of PSX and Twin Peaks feelings at the same time. It's an amazing achievement!

Thank you, waiting for next development!


This game is SOOOOO GREAT!!!!!! I can't wait for it to come out. Is there any way to donate you?


this is the best fucking thing ever!!
i love it so much


Help request with possible spoiler:  

I was in the bathroom in the hospital and the lights flickered and now I'm stuck in the red room (with black and red zig-zag floor).  Tried every item, tried walking backwards...I can't get out/progress.  Appreciate any hints.


Did you find a half heart locket? If yes, use it on statue, then go left.


thanks but I have no locket, and there’s no statue (or anything else) in room.   Room is completely empty - just a rectangular grid of red and black zig zags.  Bug?


Hi! You can try to interact at the edges of the room, something should happen


And as promised, here is video i made. It's not a let's play. It's a comparison video of game and series. Thx for an amazing experience again! Waiting for a full release!!!

I had an absolute blast playing this, as a massive fan of the world of Twin Peaks it was a joy to explore locals from the series. Great work guys, I can't wait to play more.


Enjoyed playing the game, great work :)


That was amazing. Me and my girlfriend were screaming like little kids. We just love love looooove twin peaks, and everything it has to do with. We want to thank you for this from bottom of our hearts. Only thing close to it in gaming format was Deadly Premonition, but this... I can't even start to describe our feelings. Thank you!

And the timing when demo came out was impeccable. It's almost autumn, and I don't know why, but this series always came back to me in this season of the year. 

Will definitely make a video about it! Thank you one more time! 


can verify that it worked great on steam deck, great job! looking forward to the complete game. love the tv easter eggs btw :)


As soon as i booted it,  i was giggling out of excitement to go back into the world of tp. It just felt.... right

Bravo amazing keep up the mind blowing work! Idfk here's my play through 

Is there a discord server or any place we can go for more news about the game and updates, or is this the best place to be?

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